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GRI Content Index NS – Core

GRI Code

Based on description in NS report [NL]




1. Organisational profile


Name of the organisation

The profile of NSCorporate governance



Primary brands, products and services

The profile of NS

NS does not offer products or services that are banned in certain markets.


Location of the organisation’s headquarters

Corporate governance



Number of countries where the organisation operates

The profile of NS - Our organisation



Nature of ownership and legal form

Corporate governance



Markets served

The profile of NS - Our organisation



Scale of the organisation

In briefThe profile of NS - Our organisationNotes to the consolidated financial statements



Information on employees and other workers

The profile of NS - our organisation
Attractive and inclusive employer - Our employees

The composition of our workforce is retrieved from multiple data systems. These are then consolidated. This does not involve any assumptions in the calculation.


A description of the organisation’s supply chain

How NS adds value to societySustainable procurementCollaboration in the transport chain



Significant changes to the organisation and its supply chain


There were no significant changes to the organisation and its supply chain in 2020.


Information on whether and how the organisation applies the Precautionary Principle or approach

Risk managementOur impact on the Netherlands



Externally-developed economic, environmental and social charters, principles, or other initiatives to which the organisation subscribes, or which it endorses


Mobility Alliance, Platform for sustainable public transport and railways, Social and Economic Council's Energy Agreement for Sustainable Growth, Long-Term Agreement on energy efficiency in the Netherlands (LTA3), National Climate Coalition, Code of Responsible Market Conduct, Code of Conduct for the Processing of Personal Information for an OV-chipkaart by public transport companies, NEVI Guide to Procurement Ethics, Green Deal on waste separation and reduction at stations and in trains, Railsponsible, Dutch Climate Agreement, Plastic Pact, Green Deal Circular Procurement.


Memberships of industry or other associations, and national or international advocacy organisations


Royal Netherlands Transport (KNV), Railforum, Confederation of Netherlands Industry and Employers (VNO-NCW), CER in Brussels, UIC in Paris, CSR Netherlands, Association for Energy, Environment and Water (VEMW), Green Business Club, Anders Reizen coalition.

2. Strategy



Statement from senior decision-maker of the organisation

Foreword by the CEO


3. Ethics and integrity



Description of the organisation’s values, principles, standards, and norms of behaviour, such as a code of conduct.

Organisational improvement - Open and ethical cultureOrganisational improvement - Integrity & Compliance GovernanceOrganisational improvement - Compliance


4. Governance



Governance structure of the organisation

Corporate governance


5. Stakeholder engagement



A list of stakeholder groups engaged by the organisation

Dialogue with our stakeholders in the Netherlands - Stakeholder dialogue diagram



Percentage of total employees covered by collective bargaining agreements


99% of all employees of NS Group were covered by a collective labour agreement in 2020.


The basis for identifying and selecting stakeholders

Dialogue with our stakeholders in the Netherlands - Our stakeholders



Approach to stakeholder engagement

Dialogue with our stakeholders in the NetherlandsDialogue with our stakeholders in the Netherlands - Stakeholder dialogue diagram



Key topics and concerns that have been raised through stakeholder engagement

Dialogue with our stakeholders in the NetherlandsDialogue with our stakeholders in the Netherlands - Stakeholder dialogue diagram


6. Reporting practice



A list of all entities included in the organisation’s consolidated financial statements that are not covered by this report

Scope and reporting criteriaFinancial statements



Process for defining the report content and the topic boundaries and the principles applied for this

Dialogue with our stakeholders in the Netherlands - Material relevance matrix for 2020Scope and reporting criteria



Material topics identified in the process for defining report content

Dialogue with our stakeholders in the Netherlands - Material relevance matrix for 2020



The effect of any restatements of information given in previous reports, and the reasons for such restatements

Scope and reporting criteria

NS ensures each year that the information in the report is tightened up. This leads to restatements of information compared with previous annual reports. Specific restatements and the reasons for this are clearly stated in the reporting.


Changes in reporting

Dialogue with our stakeholders in the Netherlands - Material relevance matrix for 2020



Reporting period


1 January 2020 to 31 December 2020


Date of most recent previous report




Reporting cycle




Contact point for questions regarding the report


Claims of reporting in accordance with the GRI Standards

Scope and reporting criteria



GRI Content Index

GRI Content Index



Policy with regard to seeking external assurance

Scope and reporting criteriaCombined independent auditor's report and assurance report


2. Material topics that NS reports in accordance with GRI

Financial performance (GRI 201: Economic performance)



Financial performance

Scope and reporting criteria


Financial performance


Financial performance

Dialogue with our stakeholders in the Netherlands - Material relevance matrix for 2020



Generated direct economic value

Financial performance


Contribution to Dutch Climate Agreement (GRI 302: Energy)



Performance on sustainability - Zero-emission enterpriseExpected developments in the long term - The growing importance of sustainable mobilityScope and reporting criteria


Performance on sustainability - Zero-emission enterpriseExpected developments in the long term - The growing importance of sustainable mobility Dialogue with our stakeholders in the Netherlands - Sustainable Development Goals


Performance on sustainability - Zero-emission enterpriseOur impact on the NetherlandsDialogue with our stakeholders in the Netherlands - Material relevance matrix for 2020



Energy consumption within the organisation

Performance on sustainability - Zero-emission enterpriseDialogue with our stakeholders in the Netherlands - Sustainable Development Goals

NS does not produce energy that it sells to other parties. For more details about the conversion factors used, please refer to:

Contribution to Dutch Climate Agreement (GRI 305: Emissions)



Performance on sustainability - Zero-emission enterpriseExpected developments in the long term - The growing importance of sustainable mobilityScope and reporting criteria


Performance on sustainability - Zero-emission enterpriseExpected developments in the long term - The growing importance of sustainable mobilityScope and reporting criteria


Performance on sustainability - Zero-emission enterpriseOur impact on the NetherlandsDialogue with our stakeholders in the Netherlands - Material relevance matrix for 2020



Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions by weight

Performance on sustainability - Zero-emission enterpriseDialogue with our stakeholders in the Netherlands - Sustainable Development GoalsScope and reporting 

The reported CO2 data concern our emissions of all CO2 equivalents.

Omission: We do not report on our CO2 emissions from biogenic sources since we do not use such sources, which is why this criterion is not relevant. Neither do we report on a base year, given our ambition to become a zero-emission enterprise, which precludes comparison with a specific base year.


Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions by weight

Performance on sustainability - Zero-emission enterpriseDialogue with our stakeholders in the Netherlands - Sustainable Development GoalsScope and reporting 

The reported CO2 data concern our emissions of all CO2 equivalents.

Omission: We do not report on our CO2 emissions from biogenic sources since we do not use such sources, which is why this criterion is not relevant. Neither do we report on a base year, given our ambition to achieve a zero-emission enterprise, which precludes comparison with a specific base year.

Operational performance



Performance on the main rail network and HSL SouthScope and reporting criteria


Performance on the main rail network and HSL South


Performance on the main rail network and HSL SouthDialogue with our stakeholders in the Netherlands - Material relevance matrix for 2020


NS 1

Punctuality for passengers (with a 5-minute margin) on the main rail network

Performance on the main rail network and HSL South - Punctuality


NS 2

Punctuality for passengers (with a 15-minute margin) on the main rail network

Performance on the main rail network and HSL South - Punctuality


NS 3

Punctuality for passengers (with a 5-minute margin) on HSL South

Performance on the main rail network and HSL South - Punctuality


NS 4

Seat availability at peak times (main rail network)

Performance on the main rail network and HSL South - Seat availability


NS 5

Seat availability at peak times (HSL South)

Performance on the main rail network and HSL South - Seat availability


NS 6

Top 10 most crowded trains

Performance on the main rail network and HSL South - Seat availability


NS 7

Travel information during the train journey

Performance on the main rail network and HSL South - Travel information


NS 8

Information on the train and at stations about delays

Performance on the main rail network and HSL South - Travel information


Door-to-door journey



Door-to-door journeyScope and reporting criteria


Door-to-door journey


Door-to-door journeyDialogue with our stakeholders in the Netherlands - Material relevance matrix for 2020


NS 9

Quality of connections to other carriers

Door-to-door journey - Quality of NS connections to other carriers


Customer satisfaction



Customer satisfactionScope and reporting criteria


Customer satisfaction


Customer satisfactionDialogue with our stakeholders in the Netherlands - Material relevance matrix for 2020


NS 10

General customer satisfaction with the domestic main rail network

Customer satisfaction


NS 11

General customer satisfaction with HSL South services

Customer satisfaction


Travelling and working in safety



Travelling and working in safetyScope and reporting criteria


Travelling and working in safety


Travelling and working in safetyDialogue with our stakeholders in the Netherlands - Material relevance matrix for 2020


NS 12

Number of signals passed at danger (SPADs)

Travelling and working in safety - Railway safety


NS 13

Customer satisfaction score for personal safety

Our performance on the main rail network and the high-speed line


NS 14

Total recordable rate (TRR)

Travelling and working in safety - Occupational safety


International connections



Performance on the main rail network and HSL South - International connectionsScope and reporting criteria


Performance on the main rail network and HSL South - International connectionsExpected developments in the long term - The growing importance of sustainable mobility


Performance on the main rail network and HSL South - International connectionsExpected developments in the long term - The growing importance of sustainable mobilityDialogue with our stakeholders in the Netherlands - Material relevance matrix for 2020


NS 15

The train as the logical preferred option for journeys up to 700 km

Performance on the main rail network and HSL South - International connections


Collaborating with stakeholders



Dialogue with our stakeholders in the Netherlands - Collaboration in the transport chainScope and reporting criteria


Door-to-door journeyPerformance on the main rail network and HSL South - Collaboration in the context of scheduled and unscheduled withdrawalsDialogue with our stakeholders in the Netherlands - Collaboration in the transport chainDialogue with our stakeholders in the Netherlands - Vision for of the future of public transport up to 2040


Door-to-door journeyPerformance on the main rail network and HSL South - Collaboration in the context of scheduled and unscheduled withdrawalsDialogue with our stakeholders in the Netherlands - Collaboration in the transport chainDialogue with our stakeholders in the Netherlands - Vision for of the future of public transport up to 2040Dialogue with our stakeholders in the Netherlands - Material relevance matrix for 2020


NS 9

Quality of connections to other carriers

Quality of NS connections to other carriers


World-class stations



Stations and their environmentScope and reporting criteria


Stations and their environment


Stations and their environmentDialogue with our stakeholders in the Netherlands - Material relevance matrix for 2020


NS 16

Customer satisfaction with stations

Stations and their environment - The station experience





Customer satisfaction - InnovationsScope and reporting criteria


Customer satisfaction - InnovationsExpected developments in the long term - Evolving customer wishes


Customer satisfaction - InnovationsExpected developments in the long term - Evolving customer wishesDialogue with our stakeholders in the Netherlands - Material relevance matrix for 2020


NS 17

Significant innovations

Customer satisfaction - Innovations


Designing and sharing knowledge on mobility



Our strategyPerformance on sustainability - Sustainable mobilityScope and reporting criteria


Our strategyPerformance on sustainability - Sustainable mobility


Our strategyPerformance on sustainability - Sustainable mobilityDialogue with our stakeholders in the Netherlands - Material relevance matrix for 2020


NS 18

CO2 emissions within Anders Reizen Coalition

Performance on sustainability - Sustainable mobility





Customer satisfaction - AccessibilityScope and reporting criteria


Customer satisfaction - Accessibility


Customer satisfaction - AccessibilityDialogue with our stakeholders in the Netherlands - Material relevance matrix for 2020


NS 19

Percentage of independently accessible Sprinter trains

Customer satisfaction - Accessibility


NS 20

No. of stations with travel assistance

Customer satisfaction - Accessibility

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