The inventories of maintenance materials consist of raw materials and other materials for the production and maintenance of finished and semi-finished products for the maintenance centres.
Trade and other receivables includes an amount of €210 million (2019: €3 million) relating to ProRail and the Dutch central government.
The cash and bank balances are at the free disposal of the company, with the exception of €129 million (31 December 2019: €134 million).
Accruals and deferred income as at 31 December 2020 amounted to €14 million (31 December 2019: €32 million).
Trade and other payables includes an amount of €88 million (2019: €6 million) related to ProRail and the Dutch central government, of which €86 million relates to the NOW scheme.
The deferred income of €562 million (2019: €738 million) consists mainly of amounts for student public transport passes in the Netherlands received in advance and season ticket payments received in advance in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands.