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Employee engagement 

The biennial employee engagement survey was held at the end of 2020. The response rate of 68% was the highest ever for this survey, following a steady increase since he survey was first held. Given the score of 7.6 and an Employee Net Promotor Score of 23%, our employees are evidently quite satisfied with NS. They are proud to work for NS and enthusiastic about their job. However, the work-life balance and home-working demand our attention, as does the increase of nuisance and inappropriate behaviour. The survey results will be discussed within the various teams, priority actions will be identified and a plan of action will be drawn up.
In an effort to identify the best way of supporting our people during the COVID-19 crisis, and as a follow-up to the employee engagement survey and the home-working survey, we introduced a system of ‘pulse measurements’. These are monthly questionnaires among a random selection of staff working from home, managers and operational staff, containing fifteen questions and statements. We analyse the results to take suitable measures, monitor developments and adjust our approach where necessary.

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